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Our Mission

Resurrection Catholic Parish School is a loving, faithful community of students, staff, and families devoted to the spiritual, emotional and intellectual development of each child.  As unique creations of God, our children are empowered to use their active and creative minds, to grow in understanding and compassion for others, and to have the courage to live their beliefs.   

About: Headliner

About Us

Opened in 2013 as a ministry of Resurrection Catholic Parish, our school was a one-room preschool serving 12 families who trusted and believed in our vision for an exceptional preschool.  Over the years we have grown to meet the educational needs of our families, adding staff and programs to build a strong academic curriculum.

Our focus continues to be on the development of the whole child, spiritually, socially, morally, and intellectually.  We believe that knowledge, without morals and conscious, is incomplete.  We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and we intentionally work with the parents to support this wholistic approach. 

About: Headliner
Kids on playground
1st grader
About: Photo Gallery
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