Dear Families,
Teachers in all of our classrooms are focused on helping the children navigate challenging situations and difficult emotions. We use the Choose Love curriculum school-wide to ensure common language and learning for the children.
The Choose Love curriculum is is inspired by 6-year-old Jesse Lewis, his final acts of love, and his mother’s path of forgiveness after Jesse was killed in a school shooting. Shortly after his death, Scarlett decided to be part of the solution to the issues that we’re seeing in our society today—and that also caused the tragedy. She created the Choose Love Movement and became an advocate for character development and social and emotional learning (SEL), which teaches children how to manage their emotions, feel connected, and have healthy relationships.
Choosing love means having the courage to be grateful when life isn’t easy, to forgive even when the person who hurt you isn’t sorry, and to step outside your own pain to help someone else. It’s an empowering lesson that love is a choice. Scarlett shares, "We can teach children to choose love. Love is a universal need, the lack of which can be devastating. That’s why I started the Choose Love Movement. "
The Choose Love For Schools™ Program teaches the foundational concepts and skills of social and emotional learning (SEL), and is informed by current neuroscience. The goal of the program is to provide children with the knowledge, attitude, and skills they need to choose love in any situation. These abilities include:
Understanding and managing emotions (self-awareness and self-management);
Setting and achieving positive goals;
Feeling and displaying empathy and compassion for others (social awareness);
Establishing and maintaining positive relationships; and,
Making responsible decisions.
The Choose Love Formula™
Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love
Choose Love is also available for home use; if you are interested in getting more information click here to be directed to the Jesses Lewis Choose Love homepage.
Tresa & Staff